读特客户端•深圳新闻网2022年6月3日讯 靠山吃山,靠海吃海。善于用食物来营造节日氛围的中国人总能因地制宜地做出属于自己的节日味道。时至端午,划龙舟、挂菖蒲、放纸鸢、饮雄黄、食粽籺……喜团聚的中国人把这个节日过得热闹非凡。
Being good at creating a festive atmosphere with food, Chinese people can always make their own festive taste according to local resources. Rowing the dragon boat, hanging calamus, flying kites, drinking Hsiunghuang, eating rice dumpling......Chinese people who love living together celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with great excitement.
包粽子真是太快乐了。(李丹璐 摄 ,李丹璐 设计)
黄阿婆每年都做海胆粽。(谢雨婷 摄)
包海胆粽的粽叶。(李丹璐 摄)
海胆看起来扎手,里面的肉很像咸蛋黄、蟹黄,十分美味,是大鹏的特产。(谢雨婷 摄)
海胆粽馅料丰富。(李丹璐 摄)
蒸熟的海胆粽。(谢雨婷 摄)
更多的海胆粽包好了。(李丹璐 摄)
包粽子需要用到棉线包裹。(李丹璐 摄)
Alya, a beautiful foreign artist lives in Shenzhen, puts down her paintbush and sits in an Oriental courtyard located in Dapeng on a summer afternoon, learning how to make sea urchin rice dumpling with the local. Reed leaves, glutinous rice, sea urchin, dried shrimp and scallop, salted pork and egg yolk......the recipe of sea urchin rice dumpling in Dapeng is plain, natural and tasty!
较场尾的夏季,海风惬意。(张玲 摄)
认真学习包粽子。两位小姐姐眼睛会了,手好像还是有点不太会。(张玲 摄)
深圳新闻网记者金洪竹和Alya小姐姐在较场尾海边咖啡馆度过惬意的下午时光。(张玲 摄)
夏天到深圳较场尾来踏浪。(李丹璐 摄)
摄 像:张 喆
张 玲
摄 影:张 玲
剪 辑:林恒鑫
记 者:谢雨婷
实 习 生:刘瑜琼