读特客户端·深圳新闻网2022年7月2日讯(记者 金洪竹 张玲 张喆 冯牧原 李丹璐 林恒鑫)夏至,太阳直射北纬23.5度,北半球迎来最长白昼。荔枝,从这个时候开始占领当季岭南水果头牌交椅,其中,深圳南山荔枝美名远扬,雄霸必买榜单天下。
It is Summer Solstice, when the subsolar point has arrived in latitude 23.5 degrees north, that marks the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere. From now on, Lychee becomes fruit of the season in Lingnan area. Among all lychees, those from Nanshan, Shenzhen, are well known to be the best seller.
As a lychee lover, ancient Chinese poet Su Shi wrote a peom:"To eat 300 lychees a day, who would mind being a local in Lingnan." People in modern time also say that:"Without eating lychees, you will miss the whole summer." A summer of lychee has arrived, this time, we team up with our international friend Alya and directly head to Nanshan Lychee Yueliangwan Demonstration Area of Xili Orchard, in order to capture the authentic seasonal treasure in Shenzhen.
(更多报道,请点击专题:外眼看深 )
硕果累累枝头挂。(张玲 摄)
采摘荔枝的Alya.(张玲 摄)
爱心型荔枝。(冯牧原 摄)
全神贯注摘荔枝。(李丹璐 摄)
最美的红配绿。(张玲 摄)
金洪竹:不能让我的荔枝掉了!Alya:让我给荔枝拍下美照。(张玲 摄)
让我轻轻地摘下你!(李丹璐 摄)
深圳新闻网记者金洪竹(右)小心翼翼,剥开荔枝果壳。(张玲 摄)
出镜嘉宾: Alya
双语文案:张玲 陈彦如
摄像:张喆 李丹璐 冯牧原 张玲
摄影:李丹璐 张玲
剪辑:张喆 林恒鑫