外眼看深 | 蛇口外籍居民:我在深圳找到了生活的归宿
2022-07-22 17:30
来源: 深圳新闻网

外眼看深 | 蛇口外籍居民:我在深圳找到了生活的归宿

读特客户端·深圳新闻网2022年7月22日讯(记者 梁榆其 阎思远 林恒鑫 见习记者 张佩君)位于南山区蛇口街道的境外人员管理服务中心(以下简称“中心”),是全市第一家兼具管理和服务职能的涉外服务中心。在中心咨询室的架子上,陈列着许多外籍居民赠送的家乡礼物,其中有一件礼物是白俄罗斯籍教师Tatiana Lis送的茶巾。

The Management and Service Center For Expat(Referred to as "the Center"),located in Shekou Street, Nanshan District, is the first service center with management and service for foreigner in Shenzhen. On the shelf of the Center's consulting room, there are many gifts from different countries are being displayed,which including a teapot towel from Tatiana Lis, a teacher from Belarus.


In 2019, Tatiana decided to move to a new city and she choose Shenzhen which is a foreign-friendly city. In the past three years, Tatiana has participated in the cultural exchange activities and Chinese courses of the Center. The tea towel is a meaning of an appreciation to those who have helped her.

白俄罗斯籍教师Tatiana Lis。


When Tatiana first arrived, she fell in love with this dynamic city. “I fell in love with Shenzhen at the first sight, a city with its own spirit, nice environment and beautiful parks.” Tatiana says, whether she goes in park or walks along Shekou coatline, she always finds something new which energizes her so much.


“Shenzhen is a city where makes me dream comes true.” Tatiana says, she wants to stay young and do whatever she likes without any worries when she is old. Tatiana enjoys going to park. She feels the positive attitude toward the people who dance and exercise in the park. At the same time, Shenzhen has taught her to take her life seriously and to plan  for her future.

和Tatiana不同的是,来自菲律宾的Richard Orozco完全是个“新深圳人”,他来深圳才一周的时间。在此之前,Richard在中国工作已经超过十年,曾去过北京、西安、苏州等不同的城市。一直以来,他有个梦想,就是来到像海南、广东的南方地区工作。Richard说,深圳有着温暖的气候,住在这里像是回到了家。

Different from Tatiana, Richard Orozco is from Philippines and he is totally a new comer of Shenzhen who has been in Shenzhen for a week. Before that,Richard had been working in China for more than 10 years and had been to different cities such as Beijing, Xi'an and Suzhou. He has dreamed of working in the southern regions like Hainan and Guangdong.Richard says that Shenzhen has a warm climate and living here feels like home.

Richard Orozco正接受深圳新闻网采访。


Richard had been to Shenzhen on a business trip in 10 years ago. He says there was no subway in Shenzhen at that time.It was not very convenient to travel around here. But now Shenzhen has an amazing transportation system with well-connected subway lines, buses and shared bicycles. These public transportation makes travel very convenient. "I loved this city a decade ago, and I'm pretty sure I'll love it even more after I came."

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


The other reason that attracted Richard to Shenzhen is that Shenzhen is next to Hong Kong. "There are a lot of Filipinos in Hong Kong and there are a lot of Filipino restaurants there, so I hope to cross the border from Shenzhen to Hong Kong oneday." Richard says.

[编辑:王容] [责任编辑:郑晓鹏]